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  • #679

    Winter trainings in Nijkerk

    Each year around November a group of Finn sailors go to Nijkerk to start their winter training. This year we were with 15 boats and sailed from November until middle of March. To celebrate the beginning of a new sailing season each year we do a “Winter Race”.

    The winter this year was quite soft, with the temperature on the coldest days around -2 and on the warmest day +15. Some of us also went sailing when it was an autumn storm with 50 knots of wind. As result we have got an awesome movie to share with all our Finn friends. As a bonus to fun times on the water it’s guaranteed in Nijkerk’s harbor that on land you’ll be greeted with a warm bowl of soup and a cold glass of beer.

    Winter Race (18 and 19 March)

    The first day of races greeted us with a pouring rain and a lot of wind. Sadly, when we were going to the water wind started dropping from 16 knots to around 2-6 knots. Luckily we could still sail. Nijkerk is placed on a narrow lake so we sailed 7 small but difficult races.

    Wind conditions were tricky and even scary on some moments. Wind would always shift up to 25 degrees also there were big gusts of wind coming. It was quite difficult with the length of upwind of 4 minutes. A lot of boat handling was needed that day.

    On the second day it was even more exciting with wind up to 25 knots. It was just as shifty as at the first day so it was just as difficult. But in the end everybody could say how much they’ve enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun for the young as for the older sailors.

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